Thursday, April 14, 2011

She loves the Easter Bunny!!

I need to start by apologizing. It's been a really long time since I've updated this blog but the reality is....I just don't have time. Gone are the days when I worked and went to school, had time to hang out with my friends and family, catch a movie and a million other things I used to do pre baby. Don't get me wrong-I wouldn't change it for the world. I just have my priorities in line, and unfortunately-updating my blog isn't always one of them! That being said-I finally found a moment to keep everyone posted to the world of The Ross Family!

Things are busy as always. I have been picking up extra shifts at work to help with some of our upcoming expenses and it keeps me tired (as always!) We are getting ready for Easter, Taylor's first birthday (oh, already!) Renovating our bathroom, other house projects and a trip to Spokane Washington. You know, just your typical springtime stuff!! Never a dull moment....

Taylor is growing into a wonderful little girl. She can walk on her own but chooses to walk holding your hand. She says Ma Ma Dadee and is attempting to say puppy....along with a lot of gibberish. She has 8 teeth, needs her third haircut and is eating table food and whole milk. She is a very active, happy little girl. Everyday is amazing with her.

We're planning her first birthday. So soon!! I can't believe a year has gone by. Parenthood has been the greatest adventure!

Today I took Taylor to meet the Easter Bunny. She was in LOVE. She squeeled with delight and hugged him multiple times! She's also been holding onto her bath toys Pocoyo and Pato all day (she dropped them when the Easter Bunny came over to her) She is currently sleeping with them clutched in her hands! It makes me smile....

Taylor, Pato, Pocoyo

Taylor and the Easter Bunny

After a bath

Such a curious baby!!